Nestled amidst the grandeur of the Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh emerges as the celestial abode of divinity. Each temple within its embrace echoes tales of antiquity, weaving a tapestry of legends that transcend time itself. Amidst this tapestry lies a tale dating back to the epoch of the Mahabharata. Tucked away in the quaint town of Karsog, ensconced within the Mandi district, stands a shrine shrouded in mystique—the Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple. Here, amidst whispers of miracles, pilgrims and wanderers alike find solace, drawn by the enigmatic allure of faith. This temple, a beacon of devotion, casts its spell not only upon the denizens of the state but also upon seekers from across the nation.
During the epoch of the great Mahabharata, the illustrious Pandavas sought refuge within these sacred grounds during their exile. Legend has it that they tilled the soil and sowed wheat in this very land. To this day, a solitary grain of wheat, weighing 250 grams, rests within the sanctum of the temple, a testament to their toil and resilience. Moreover, an ancient akhand dhuna (eternal fire) within the temple has emitted its fragrant tendrils unabated for five millennia, an enduring symbol of divine grace. Notably, a colossal drum graces the temple's precincts, said to have resonated under the skilled hands of the mighty Bhima during moments of respite.
The Narrative Behind Akhand Dhuna
Legend recounts the tale behind the "akhand dhuna": during their exile, the Pandavas sojourned in this very village for a time. In those days, a demon had taken refuge in a cave nearby, terrorizing the villagers. To appease the demon's hunger and protect themselves, the villagers struck a grim pact, offering one person daily as sustenance to the demon. One fateful day, it was the turn of the son of the household where the Pandavas lodged. Moved by the mother's tears, the Pandavas inquired, learning of the impending sacrifice. Acting as dutiful hosts, Bhima volunteered to face the demon in place of the boy. What ensued was a fierce battle, culminating in Bhima's victory over the demon, liberating the village from its grip. It is said that the "akhand dhuna" perpetuates the memory of Bhima's valorous triumph.
Five Shivalingas Established by Pandavas
Legend holds that the revered Pandavas themselves installed the five Shivalingas housed within this temple's sacred confines. It is whispered that this temple itself dates back to the illustrious Mahabharata era. Devoted to Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, the Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple stands as a timeless tribute to their divine presence.
Budhi Diwali Festival
When Lord Shri Ram's triumphant return to Ayodhya from Lanka, after vanquishing Ravana, was belatedly relayed to this region, the festivities were delayed by about a month. Even now, after millennia have elapsed, the "Budhi Diwali or Old Diwali" holds a revered place in the hearts of devotees at Mamleshwar Mahadev. On the auspicious day of "Budhi Diwali" a sacred ritual honoring the gods and goddesses is conducted here, believed to alleviate the troubles of those who participate.
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