It is generally believed that a single tree can produce only one kind of fruit, but it is not so. Because there is such a place in the world, where 40 types of fruits grow on a single tree. This became possible because some people in the world are always trying to do different things and while trying, they make such achievements on which it becomes difficult for the world to believe. A similar feat has been done by Sam Van Aken, who is an associate professor of sculpture at Syracuse University. He has created one such tree on which different types of fruits grow. Producing not two, not three, but 40 types of fruits, making it the most wonderful tree in the world. Because of 40 fruits, this tree is called "The Tree of 40 Fruit". It took a long time for this tree to bear a range of fruits. Mango, Guava, Banana, Almond, Apple, Peach, Plum, Cherry, and various other fruits are grown in this tree. Aken was very much interested in farming, due to which he thought of the invention of this unique tree.
Van Aken started working on this tree in 2008 when he visited an orchard at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station with over 250 heritage varieties grown. This orchard was about to be closed due to the lack of funds, which also housed many ancient rare plant species. He took this orchard on lease and with the help of grafting technique he accomplished an amazing feat like "Tree of 40". By inventing this unique tree, Aken has presented a great sample of modern technology in the agricultural sector. Van Aken grew this multi-fruited tree by cutting twigs of different types of trees and connecting them to one tree. According to the report, today its price is around 20 lakh rupees in Indian currency.
What is Grafting Technique?
In grafting, the twigs of different types of trees are cut and separated along with the bud. Then in the cold season, all these twigs are pierced and planted on the main tree. The attached point is then bound with tape and covered with a soft sealant for the whole winter for preventing dehydration and infection by germs. After this, the twig gradually attaches to the main tree, and fruits and flowers start coming in it. In simple words, it is a technique in which plants tissues are joined in such a way so that their growth continues simultaneously. The lower part of the combined plant is called the rootstock while the upper part is called the scion. The cost of a tree made with this technique is much higher than any ordinary tree. Professor Aken has planted 16 such trees in 7 different states across the country.
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