Just as laughing is a feeling, crying is also a kind of feeling and many of us consider crying to be bad for us but it is not right to believe because just as laughing is good for us, crying sometimes is also beneficial for our health. But have you ever paid attention to why tears come out of our eyes while crying and from where do they suddenly appear? As tears are also a kind of water, so do we have water in our eyes that comes out when we cry? Usually what happens that when we get emotional, either very sad or happy, tears start pouring down from our eyes. And sometimes during the state when something irritates our eyes, like dust in our eyes or when we cut onions.
During a research it was found that when we cry, oxytocin and endogenous opioids are released, also known as endorphins. They are often referred to as "feel-good" chemicals that help in reducing both physical and emotional pain. The chemicals got this name just because of their incredible ability to act as a natural pain reliever and happiness booster, providing a sense of calm or well-being.
A very famous comedian of the world, Charlie Chaplin, has written a very beautiful line, he wrote, "I love walking in the rain because nobody can see my tears". Tears can be of happiness and also of sorrow and sometimes they can be unnecessary, but again the question is why do tears come out. So, there is a place called lacrimal gland above our eyes where these tears are formed and collected.
The function of the Lacrimal gland is to provide continuous release of a fluid that clean and protect the surface of the eye as it lubricates and moisten it, and this fluid is commonly known in the form of tears. But when these tears exceed the limit, they started to come out of our eyes while crying and at the same time they also enter into the tube of our nose, due to which our nose starts running. This is the reason why our nose starts running while shedding tears.
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