Do you know that the total market value of India's honey production is around INR 17.29 billion and it is further expected to grow at the rate of 10% between 2021 and 2026 to reach a value of around INR 30.6 billion by 2026? Another fact is, once this honey is produced, it can last for hundreds of years without being spoiled, but what makes it possible to act in such a way, so let's talk about some honey-related information today. Along with this, we will also talk about some amazing facts about honey bees.
Now we all know that honey is produced only from honey bees, but how do these honey bees actually make such wonderful honey that can be preserved for hundreds of years. Actually, honey bees collected nectar from flowers which is a sugary fluid, and then store it in their honey stomach - distinct from their normal stomach. Now you would hardly know this fact related to honey bees that they have two stomachs, one stomach is to store food and the other stomach is to store honey. So in this second stomach, they collect nectar and move towards their hive.
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After returning to the hive, the worker bee will regurgitate the nectar solution and then start passing it on to one of the house bees, who remain in the hive. As a result, the house bee will continue this wonderful process for around half an hour that the worker bee has started, it will regurgitate and re-drink the nectar. The whole process like this keeps on passing to one another until it completely turns into honey. Once the honey is made, bees keep it with them and always make two to three times more honey than they likely keep for themselves, so that we too can enjoy the honey.
Maybe you are aware of this fact or not, honey bees have been producing honey for about 150 million years and this honey can remain in good condition for around 2000 years or more. Some archaeologists found honey in ancient Egyptian tombs, which was in good quality even though it was thousands of years old - still edible after 3,000 long years.
But how it would have been possible, the reason behind this magical survival of honey is its sugar content, low pH, as well as the bees’ honey-making process, due to which the organisms which spoil the food cannot survive in honey. This keeps it edible for a long time but the condition is that it has to be natural and properly sealed. However, there is no expiry date on honey bottles, but depending upon the temperature changes, they can bring about some natural changes such as darkening, loss of aroma, and flavor, and sometimes it may crystallize too.
Honey Bee farming, also called Beekeeping or Apiculture, has become widely spread in India today. In India, nearly four thousand metric tons of honey are produced every year, bringing a decent amount of earnings to people there. Today the market value of Indian apiculture is around INR 18,836 million and it is said that by 2026 this value can be doubled to INR 37,235 million.
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