What happens when you are not thinking anything? It seems weird to hear but yes, we are talking about a zero thought state of mind. Actually, a zero thought is that state when there is not a single thought running on in one's mind, and out of such a large population of this world, there are only a few people who have managed to do it, such as monks. Once a team of scientists invited several monks to carry out such an experiment, the scientists seated the monks in a cold room of four degrees Celsius and wrapped a very cold wet cloth around their bodies. Then those monks brought themselves to this zero thought state and after that, the cloth became so hot that it started to evaporate. Now you can understand to what extent a zero thought state can make you powerful and calm.
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Now there would be a question in your mind that what is the difference between meditation and zero thought. In meditation, you control your thoughts and try to calm the mind by stopping thoughts, but on the other hand in this zero thought state, you do nothing, absolutely nothing, meaning you do not try to do anything. In meditation, you used to try to do something which is to control your thoughts, but in zero thought you just live, do not try to do anything. So this leads to the conclusion that while meditating, when your mind becomes so calm that no thought arises, then it is a zero thought state.
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People consider the powers that are in the mind as a miracle, 100 years ago, when there were no mobile phones, then if someone talked about mobile, it would seem like it is impossible but today it is normal for everyone. In the same way, supernatural powers are really normal, you just need to get them on your own because no one will do it for you. The supernatural powers are a very controversial topic, many people believe in it and many people don't.
We are not forcing anyone here to meditate and to go deep within to achieve that zero thought state, but if you are that type of person who wants to know everything, whether it is about to get yourself out from the body to do astral travel (an intentional out-of-body experience) or other supernatural experiences, then this is for you.
The important fact is that you cannot deny these things because even science has done a lot of research on this. When monks in a four-degree cold room can heat a cold wet cloth with the power of their brain, what else can they not do? Well, it was just a glimpse, there are many more things that you can experience when you enter the zero thought state, such as, power of healing that means to cure anyone with the power of your mind.
You must have seen people who cure the diseases of others and fix all the problems of one's body with their mind only. The other supernatural powers of mind also include telepathy which means being able to read the mind of others, knowing someone's feelings and body temperature control that you have already learned through an experiment, how monks can adjust their body temperature through their minds.
If you have also heard about levitation, by which a man is held aloft, without mechanical support, in a stable position by eliminating the force of gravity, this may also be possible through the power of the mind. The other advantage that the zero mind state might give you is the elimination of the negative elements like fear, doubt, hatred, guilt, judgment, shame, and ego. In this state, you can only experience pure positive energy like love and joy at a very high frequency with no desire left.
Hopefully, we all should try meditation, maybe there will be a day in the future when there will be no need to calm our mind rather it will become calm and remain calm forever. Then whenever you want, you will be able to go into that zero thought state and will be able to do all that you find impossible now.
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