The existence of this body is visible to us because of Maya because the body does not have its own existence. Our body is made up of the combination of five elements - which are fire, air, water, earth and space. Our body has been created with a little bit quantities of all these elements. Each body is inhabited by a soul. Our ego and pride only keep us away from God, which we called as Maya or Worldly Illusion. Because of this illusion or Maya, the human feels himself separate from God, whereas in reality he is not separate. God is like the ocean of truth, in which all of us are small droplets of water. We all have to merge back into the ocean of this truth one day. We become a bubble for a moment, but the way the bubble blows and dissolves in the river, so do we merge back into creation. If we take some quantity of water in a jug from a river and now the water which we have taken in the jug feels proud for its existence by thinking that it is now separate from the river then it would be its stupidity. Therefore, do not create such illusions among God, human and Maya. Only consider this fact that only god is true in the whole world, except god there is no other truth in the world. Saint Kabir Das has said that Maya is the biggest faker. That's because no one has escaped from Maya, whether they are ordinary people or extraordinary people.
There are some knowledgeable people who are proud of their knowledge. Remember, any person who has pride or ego, he leads his personality down to the downfall. Whoever boasts, he has destroyed himself. Pride is also a negative kind of delusion. In order not to come in the trap of Maya, the person will have to choose his positive properties rather than the negative properties. This is my house or this is his house, this is a kind of Maya. Whenever you think that this thing is mine or this thing belongs to him, then you are living in a world of illusion or Maya because everything is given to us belongs to God. There is nothing belongs to us. This maya is the biggest obstacle in reaching our God and recognizing and finding Him. Unless we change our perception, we will not realize the realization of the God and when the understanding of god will awakened in us, then all the illusions will disappear and we will be free from the bonds of world.
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