Once the king of a country was roaming in villages to ask about the problems of his people. His shirt button broke, while roaming in the villages. He asked his minister to find out the tailor in the village. The minister came to know that there was only one tailor in that village. The tailor was brought in front of the king. The king asked if you could put a button on my shirt. The tailor said, this is not a difficult task. He took the button from the minister and put that button on King's shirt with the thread of the same color. The king had that broken button, so the tailor had to use only his thread. The king asked the tailor how much money should be given. The tailor thought that the king already had that broken button, i have just used the thread. The tailor said, dear king, this was a very small task. So there is no need for money for this. The King again asked the tailor, tell me how much money you will take. Tailor thought that i should take two rupees. But then he realized that the king could conclude wrong from this by thinking that if the tailor is taking two rupees from the king, then how much money he would take from the rest of the people. At that time, the price of two rupees was very high. The tailor said to the king, Dear king, whatever you think is right, give it to me. He was a king, he had to give according to his position. His position does not get worse in order to give it, so he told his minister, give this tailor two villages. This is my order. Where the tailor was demanding only two rupees and where the king gave him two villages. Something similar happens with us. When we leave everything on the Lord, then lord gives us everything according to his will. We do not even know, how should prayer to god for something, he wants to give us a lot.
God gives us a lot
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