Our life passes constantly through changes. If we stop accepting the changes then our life will stop. Every experience gives us the opportunity to move or change. You should learn everything through your experiences that will develop you. There are many types of fears in our mind that are due to some reasons and some are without reasons. If you have fear in your mind about your future, then it is useless. Actually, not knowing what is going to happen in the future, makes your life interesting. When a child falls, then the fear of falling within him accumulates. And when the child grows up and does not end the fear of falling within himself, then he can not enjoy life. Therefore, we must eliminate all kinds of fear from within ourselves to live peacefully. A person, who only lives at the level of the senses, can only experience senses level pleasure. The other person who keeps his body healthy through proper diet, exercise, is at the second level. At the third level is a person who is free from emotional bondage. He tries to win people with love and compassion rather than anger and jealousy. The level above them is the intellectual level, when there is clarity on things in the mind of a person. At the top comes the spiritual level when a person learns to spend his own inner energy properly. When there is peace and purity inside, then a person is at a spiritual level. Our life is made up of both knowledge and ignorance. We must have understanding of knowledge and ignorance. You have the knowledge, but you have not sharpen yourself with that knowledge or say that you have not utilized that knowledge, then that knowledge is of no use. If people think that I know everything and I do not need to change, then such thinking makes the person blind. This thinking never lets the person move forward.
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